Roseville Block 65
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 65.tif ROOEVILLE Lot 7 Lots 1 & 2 7 Lot 7, exc NE 42 1 Permit to J. D. Wier to constr addtl res on Lot 7, Zone R-1, & Hugo, Res. 65746 30.- 147 o Ever6.l 3-30-37 Permit to M. M. Brown, by Estella Cardozo, for res w/ a SB of 9' on Garrison St. Res 72309 10-1-40 Permit to Thos. P. O'Gara to constr addn to res on por of Jqdti lot split out after zoning, 1466 Evergreen, & obs 4 1 RY (20 1 req) R-1 '- c-385 & 435 5-4-56 Lot 12- AGREEMENT with ANTHONY SANTOS to construct recreation room & full bath with interior access at a second story 3245 Hugo St., AGREE. ff3801 addn. with bedroom, ~one Rl-5000. 8/21/87