Roseville Block 66 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 66 CARD 2.tif V Card '. ROSEVILLE BLOCK 66 Lo.t 12 f1 Plum St, clsg adj- Permit to Mr, & Mrs. R. C. Atchison to const a carport addn to single family dwelling, posts of carport to obs 2' st, sideyard & eaves obs 0 1 distance to prop line where 101 st sideyard is required at 3345 Hugo St., S cor of Plum St., Zone R-1-5, condl, Case No, 7263 7/27/65--------------------------------------------------------------- SW 67i Lote 7 & 8- Isabel Alves to const sing am res with bedroom, bath rumpus room and bar sinilin basement, 1466 Willow, Zone R-1. Agreement No. 1188 7-20-62------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 9, 10, and pro of Hugo 1t. Closed adjoining- John G. and M9.ry fda Rebelo to const res on lot without full street frontage because of st. closing, with 20 1 rear yd where 25 1 is required; and to maint,.in bar sink in rumpus rm located in lower floor of building AGREEMENT #880 Mau 3, J956 k~------------- -------.--- Lot 2, Permit to John W. Cardosa to 1) constr a 253 sq. ft. addn to the front of the house; 2) constr a sundeck over existing garage obs 2' Fy &0 1 front SY where a 15 1 front & 4 1 SY is reqd; 3) constr an entry porch'stairway obs~rving a ld' front'yard where 15' is reqd.; & 4) resulting in a FAR of.66 where a FAR of.60 is permitted &.60 exist on Lot2, at 3336 Garrison St., Zone R-1-5 C-17495 12/18/81