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Development Services

Roseville Block 7

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 7.tif ROOEVILLE Por. Lot 2- Por. Lot 2- II " " II ff ff II II II Block 7 DENIED- to Matthew C. Monese & Antone & Phyllis Rose to constr 1-story retail store, off-st parking; bldg. to obs O' SB (15' req) O' SY (4 teq) O' rear yd (10' req) approx 76i coverge (6oi max), Zone R-4. Case 3154, 3155, 3156 4-26-60 APPEAL heard {on above) decision overruled, cond'l apprved. 5-18-60 Extens. of time to 6 mos., to expire 5-18-61; new owners: Domenico & Joseph Sabatini Extens. of time to expire (another 6 mos.) 11-18-61). Cases 3154,3156 & 3155 ZV, Yd, & SB 1-yr. extens. to expire 11-21-62, condl. Cases 3154,3155,3156 11-21-61