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Development Services

Roseville Block 73

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 73.tif O\toS-S-0305-5 ROSEVILLE BLOCK 73 L0t 3- Permit to Lawrence & Helen La.bruzzi to const fireplace addn'to exist sin fam res, addn to encroach 1811 into required 24' setback a.t 3128 Hugo St. betw Evergreen & Locust Sts, Zone R-4q condl, No, 7369 9/8/65------------------Lot 12- Permit DENIED by ZA to ALVARDO R. & LOUISE B. VIRISSIMO to construct a 4-unit, 3-story condominium: (1) to observe 8 1 611 street side yard on Evergreen Street where 10' is required (stairs to observe 6 1); (2) with architectural projections to observe (a) 13 1 611 front yard where 15' is required, (b) 13 1611 rear yard where 18' is required, and (c) 3'611 interior yard where 7' is required; and (3) erect 3'-- 5' high retaining wal 1 to observe 2' front yard where maximum 3' high wall is,permitted in required 15' front yard, at 3145 lngelow Street (corner of lngelow and Evergreen Streetsl, Zone R-3. C-17076 1-16-81