Roseville Block 74 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 74 CARD 2.tif RO.SEVILLE Lots 5 & 6, " 11 Lots 3-4 Lots 7, 8 ~ 9 Block 74 Permit DENIED to Eugene & Gladys in SB area w/post having 9' SB, Rosecrans; R-4 O'Neal to conv roof sign sign 5'3" SB, 14' hi, NE Ref' 9o60-Card to pole & loc cor Hugo & 7-20-55 Permit DENIED above to relocate sign & place in SB area w/9 1 6 11 post 513" SB for sign, NE cor Hugo & Rosecrans SB for Res 9061 CC GRANTED above Res 128316 7-20-55 9-16-55 W. G. McHenry DENIED to constr 22-unit apt obs 4 1 RY (10 1 req) N side Hugo St betw Locutt & Rosecrans C-2404 4-3-59 Permit to D. Lamar & Tessie B. Jensen to erect 14 1 hi, 37 sq ft free- standing, dble-faced, interior lited sign encr 13 1 into req 14' SB on Rosecrans St, on Lot 8 in the R-P Zone, advertising 3 bldg., 18-unit mo~el complex on lots 7, i & 9, Zone R-P & Zone R-4, res in a total of 146 sq ft of wall signs & 37 sq ft of free-stand sign on premises where max 75 sq ft wall sign is perm & no free-standing sign is perm; 1530 Rosecrans betw Hugo & Ingelow Sts, Zone R-P, Cond'l. C-7816 8-30-66