Roseville Block 87
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 87.tif ROSEVfLLE BLOCK 87 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Phy! I is Mi row Stone and Vivian Mi row Showley and Wi 11 iam C. Hou! ihar to const a sfd on Lot 1 containing 4,250 sq. ft. and to const a sfd on Lot 2 containing 4,625 sq. ft. in the 3400 block of Jarvis Street, between Clove St. and Plum St. in_ R-1-5 Zone. Condition. 141094,14/08. 2-23-77. 8ZA "/"4"- z...4:.c..,,(',u;4.:,,. o/-l/77 Lot 3- Permit to Phyllis Mirow Stone & Vivian Mirow Showley to const a sfd to res in 41% coverage at 3424 Jarvis Street. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14327 NH. 4-21-77.---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------