Roseville Block 98 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 98 CARD 1.tif v/ ROSEi/ILLE NEly 101 of Lot 7 in conj w /wts 7 & 8 Lots 3-8 Lots 1-2 Lots 1-11 tuKxu. ~ Lots 1-11 (ex st opening) Lots 1 & 2 Cond 11 permit to Caesar F. cor Rosecrans & Keats Sts, parking lot. & Helen L. Pastore to constr a supermarket on R-4, remaining pos wts 5 & 6 to be used as Res. ~37 7-26-50 Pastore, Caesar F. & Helen L. 140 1 wts 6-8- (1ooi covge); on Lots 3-5, cond 11. APPEAL 0 1 SB, granted to constr store bldg 100 1 x O' sy,o RY on 6; auto parking CC Res 99047 8-15-50 Permit to above to constr auto pkg lot as extens of pkg lot apprved by CC Res 99047- cond'l. Res 5372 3-7-51 Permit to DeFalco's Marketto constr addn to exist market bldg & use por of blk for parking, Rosecrans, Lowell, I.J::,cust & Keats, cond'l, C-1346 8-9-57 ~ \ Permit to Caesar F. & Helen L. Pastore (wts 1-8); I.J::,uis E. Defalco (wt 9) Food Giant Markets, Inc. (wts 10 & 11) owners; Food Giant Markets, Inc., lessee, to install 2 signs on RP por of bldg; one on entry canopy, l' 3" x 8 1, and one on wall of bldg, 2 '6" x 32' 6", where only one sign, max 201 x 4 is perm, 1666 Rosecrans betw Keats & Lowell Sts; wts 1-4 & 9-11, R-4; wts 5 & 6, RP. wts 7 & 8, C Zone, cond 11. C-5815 7-17-63 AGREEMENT #712 to constr auto parking lot as extens to parking lot, apprved by CC 99047. 3-12-51