Roseville Heights Block 11 Card 1
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif Lots 1-22 Lots 7-8 Ely 17' of Lot 2$ & all of Lot 27 Ely 17' of Lot 27 ~ W. 20' of Lot 27 Lots 43 & 44 Lots 7 & 8 Lots 39 & 40.. ' a ~,._... Block 11 ot~6-o~os!!s If Card /fl ' Owners lllillY build dwellings w/0' SB on Hill St. Res. 50047 5-13-29 Permit to Samuel M. Fain to constr res within 1 13" of Hill St. Res. 63443 8-20-35 Permit to Leone Wright to build a one-bedrm ad.du to exist res at 3370 Talbot St, exist hse 2 1 from side lot 11 & chimney less than 6~ Res. 605 5-11-44 Permit to Leone Hall Wright to build addn to exist res, 3370 Talbot St, exist hse 2' from side lot line & chimney less than 6" from lot line, but addn to maint yd reqs. Res. 1611 7-5-46 Permit to John D. & Evelyn v. Flynn to conv res at 3304 Talbot St., R-1, into duplex, cond'l. Res. 9118 8-31-55 Permit to William S. & Louise Phillips to erect approx 70 solid fence varying in ht from 8 1- 9 16" as shown on plans, where a 6 1 hi:I fence above adj grnd level is perm, 3327 Hill St, betw Bangor & Akron Sts, R-1-5, C-7806 (N.H.) 7-20-66 AGREEMENT to A. J. OSINSKI to construct a second story addition with a new kitchen and convert existing first floor kitchen to utility room, at 3322 Talbot Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT ft2616 11-28-80