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Development Services

Roseville Subd. Block 13

ROSEVILLE SUBD. BLOCK 13.tif ROSEVILLE SUBDIVISION BLOCK 13 0 (~{.. S Lot 8- Permit to M. Frizado to bld a 3 unit apt over stores with a 6 1 access court, at Byron St. & Rosecrans St. Res. 4285 11-16-49 Lots 4 & 9- Permit to Merle E. Robertson for Seetras Corp, purch & Marjorie B, Evenson owner of Lot 4 & Antonio & Maria Luz, owner of Lot 9 to use as parking lot for a branch of Seemtity Pacific National Bank in adj C Zone, parking lot to be in R-4 Zone where residential use only is permitted on the south side of Byron St. betw Rosecrans & Locusts Sts., in the R-4 Zone condl C-9249 5-2-69 Lot 1- Permit to Dr. L. M. & Beverly Owens to convert exist res into medical office and to provide eight (8) parking spaces, four (4) of which will be tandem spaces, where five parking spaces are req and all parking spaces must open directly onto an aisle or drive- way, at 3046 Addison St betw Locust St and Rosecrans St, Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11334 7-7-72 Lot 3- Permit to MARIA A. MEDINA to remodel existing garage and add laundry room with laundry sink on a parcel with existing single-family dwelling, located at 3028 Addison Street, Zone R-1000. A/C #3036 1-11-84