Royal Highlands # 1
ROYAL HIGHLANDS # 1.tif ROYAL HIG~ #?-J-...:.:..'!- -;.'-'".;Lf 5 <:\- s Lots 15-18 (also see Lot 49, The Highlands) " n Lot 27 Permit to 4-D Development Co. to use res on ea for model homes w/sales off on Lots 16,17 & 18, & constr signs at rear of lots, NE cor Olga & Othello Sts, R-1 (denied req for 4 1 x 8 1 sign on Lot 10) Lot 1, 4 1 x 8 1 sign for one yr. to expire 8-7-60. C-2676 7-29-59 AMENDMENT to incl another 4 1 x 8 1 dble-faced sign at SE cor Lot 18, same expir. date. 2-19-60 Permit to Alexander H. & Anna Dolinski to constr 51 hi redwood fence approx 8' abv avge adj grnd level, 4266 Loch Lomond St., R-1 C-4477 N.H. 10-11-61 Lot 66- Eermit to Phillip & Dean Loflen to constr 17' x sin {am dwell; addn to obs 17'6" rear yard where 20' is of Locblomond St. Zone R-15 20' recreation room addn to exist req.; at 4159 Kirkcaldy Dr. SE cor C-10653 R.H. 7-L4 71----------------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------- Lot 68- Agreement with Merline Chambers to construct a one-story, 15'0" x 32 1 011 addition to an existing residence to include a bedroom, closet and full bath with both interior and exterior access, located at 7615 Caldy Place, Rl-5000 zone, Agreement /14243 4-3-89 Lot_8~- AGREE~NT with William F. Logan to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling., Addition contains a master bedroom, full bath and has interior access from hallway & exterior access to courtyard, at 4262 Caledonia Dr,, Rl-5000, A 4529. 2/6/90