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Development Services

Royal Park # 2

ROYAL PARK # 2.tif,llOYAL PARK #2 7(90\-~ Lots 161-166- The Asst. Z.A. has consi-ered the request of TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. to (1) erect 161' of solid block retaining walls ranging in height from l' to 5' on Lots 163-165; walls to obs O' to 10' front yard on Arey Drive where maximum 3' high retaining walls are perm in required 15' front yard; (2) erect eleven 3' high patio walls to obs 10' front yard on Arey Drive and three 3' high patio walls to obs 3' st side yard on Norstad Street where entire front and street side yards must be landscaped except for driveways and walkways, at 3502-3706 Arey Drive between Churrituc~ Drive and Darwin Place, Zone R-2 and has made the following decision: (1) APPROVE (2) DENY as submitted, but APPROVE 3' high walls and patios to obs 1D' SB on Lots 161 through 165 as shown on Exhibit "A" dated 7-30-74 on file in the Of~ice of the Zoning Administration of the Planning Department. / C-12,745 N.H. 8-1-74