R.S Subdivision
R.S SUBDIVISION.tif R. S . BUBD0ISION Lot 2,..;-Guest Quarters Variance was approved by H.O., THOMAS J. CASSIDY, JR.,OWNER/ PERMITTEE, sought to construct a two story addition to an existing guest quarters with a deviation for a 12' street side yard on Buckingham Drive, where 15' setback is required; 2) a variance request to a maintain over height fences and gates within the front and street side yard setbacks along La Jolla Mesa Drive and Buckingham Drive, which includes a 6' high open wrouglt: ir'an fence on b:,th streets and which also encroaches within the corner and driveway visibility areas, a 5' 6 11 solid wood fence on Buckingham drive and 6' high columns within the driveway visibiity areas which is supporting a 5'6" solid gate at the driveways that are located on both streets, described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and location on the approved Exhibits "A", dated 6-16-99, Rl-20,000 Zone 99-0139 6-16-99