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Development Services

Russell Heights Tract #1 Block A

RUSSELL HEIGHTS TRACT #1 BLOCK A.tif Lots 2 & 3 Lots 5 & 6 N. Por Lot 3 & all of Lot 4 Permit to College Center Covenfant Church to constr porte-cochere addn to church bldg to have 5' RY (15' req) 4463 College Ave., R-4 Res 9340 12-21-55 DENIED permit to erect 6' hi chain link ffmc!! i!lxla obs O' SB to MRS. MARIANE ~OUND, on Lorca Dr. where max 3' hi fence is perm in avge SB of blck of 24' but APPROVED 4 hi fence w/0' SB & APPROVED 6 hi fence across drive- way area obs approx 18 1 SB at 6112-6118 Lorca Dr. at inters of Tarragona Dr. R-4. C-7201 6-28-65 Permit to College Center Covenant Church to erect solid blk ret wall w/approx 10 1 of wall varying in ht from 3' to 51 encr 12' into req 15' frnt yd, addtl 3' hi ch link fence to be erected atop ret wall; 4463-67 College Ave betw Estelle St & Lorca Dr., R-4; Condl. C-8252 N.H. 7-24-67