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Russell Heights Tract #4 Block F

RUSSELL HEIGHTS TRACT #4 BLOCK F.tif :_.,.,..,iii'-"!' "- ~ --~ --._ , ].......--,.., ,.. BLOCK. F O\(QS-S-e> '!~~&' RUSSELL HEIGHTS TRACT #4 Lot 10- Permit to Joanne 0. Ladenwager to maintain single fam dwell now uneer constr obs 14 1 3111 rear yd where 15 1 is req, & 9 14" St. side yd where 10 1 is req at 6125 Carling Way at the southwest cor of its intersection with Tarragona Dr. Zone R-2 C-10776 N.H. 9-17-71 Lot 10- APPROVED req of Joanne 0. Ladenwager to add fireplace to single fam dwell now under constr; fireplace to obs Jj' rront vd wl1 <::1a lS' r-eq;- Blk F, Map ~7, at fal25 Carling Way, SW corner Carling Way & Ta~ragona ~r., Zone R-2 Case No. 11748 1-3-73