Ryan Addition
RYAN ADDITION.tif V RY.AN ADDITION Lot 2 Lot l T, Permit to/Claude & Gladys B. Ryan to constr sgle fam res & gar, obs 3' RY (25' req) & 8' SY (10' req) on San Fernando St betw Perry Sts, R-lC. C-3499 6 MOO. EXTENS. to 8-19-61 gar to Owen & 8-12-60 Permit to above to erect 4' hi lited gate pillar on Sly aide of driveway & 61 hi lited pillar on Nly side of driveway & ret wall, 4 hi, on Nly side shown in plans; pillars & ret wall to obs from 0 1 to 9 1 SB on San Fernando St where 20' SB is estab, 548 San Fernando St, R-lC c-4996 6-18-62