S. Gurwell Heights Block 2
S. GURWELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 2.tif S. GURWELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 ~ly 45 1 of 26 to 30, incl-; ermi t to J. Huch & Gladys l-,. i:cConnec 1 to cons 2 apt ur,i t,s over garage in rear of lot adj to 25 1 easemern:,, with no rearyd, &. m,rintair, e.xis 8 1 access ct. to the 2 new units, at 3013 Glive,~t.- Cond 11. rl.es.;;5460 4/18/51 Lots 5, 6 & 7-.Permit to Harold G. Ayer to const uuplex at,t. to exist gar., making 3 units (R-2) on the er;tire I:_a._Tcel, 3083-5 Paj,m St., conci'l. Case f;l4l+O 9/27/57