S. Gurwell Heights Block 4 Card 2
S. GURWELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif S. GUrtWELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 4 Card #2-)1 Lots 20 & 21 Condl. 0 errnit 1,0 ti.a1:1on Kaiser, owner, "' '.,. 1,.Gu61ielmetti, lessee, ext- ending Res. {'3661+,,:hich ext. ires. f; 4315, (pa;;e 1) to L,cmufacture baby clothes.in exist non-conf store bldg,,_3037-JOth St,. ii'?".'. tr5o60 7 /11(:,1 Lots 20, 21, & 22- 1-'errnit to iobert L. &?earl H. Kaiser to const 2780 s~. i't, commer- cial bldg with 371 s'1, ft, canopy resultirig in 3151 s;, ft. bldg on a 3652 s i f1,.;ar & a parking ratio of approx 1.8 s~ ft. to 1 s~ ft bldg a:::'ea; structure will have 2333 s:,.. ft. triplex above which will oos O I rear yard;,here 10' is re., & will proj 10 1 into lt,e re, 10 1 planting stl'ip at one point on Redwood St,; two parking spaces will proj into rEcq plJJ,ting strip or: Redwcod St, & two spaces will proj into re_ plm,tinf; strip on 30th S}. wnere rcJ.tio of 3 s.c lt, of parking to l s:i ft. of bldg is. reg/& no structures or parking is perm in req 10 1 planting strip; all exist structureo tc be rer.:oved 11hen new structure is complet~~.1.. 8.\_)0l;l_-_]()th '.it., fo1~e C:lA_, c()ndL Caseti_59_& 6660 8/26/f:4 Lots' 20, 21 & 22-:Permit to J.obert L. & Toarl H. Kaiser, ov:ner, Abe iiyers, lessee, to erect 5' x 10 1, 21 1 high, free-standing, uou.ble-i'aced, interior-lighted si,:-_n aavertising "Rays Li.Juor Center"; sign;;ole to observe 5 16 11 setback from both 30th & Red;woci.::,1,s. & lccatEid in diag portion of the curb surrounCiing corner planting area; thill dill.g yortion is that portion:1hich runs l,E i'rom point 13 1 S of the l\1ii corner of the pro1J01ty to a point 11'- E of this!\-,-; corner;,:ith the foremost ed[,e of the sign obs 1'0 11 setback from both 30th &:l.edwood Sts., re,uested O 1 setback D.c.KED at]041- 30th St., SE corner 30th st. & Redwood 3t., Zone C-lA.___ c3_~e J'.7211 7 /7 /64 '