S. Gurwell Heights Unnumbered Triangular Block Adj Lots 23-24 In Blk 8 Of Frary Hts
S. GURWELL HEIGHTS UNNUMBERED TRIANGULAR BLOCK ADJ LOTS 23-24 IN BLK 8 OF FRARY HTS.tif s.-GURWELL. HEIGHTS UN.NUMBERED TRIANGULAR ELOCK ADJ. LOTS 23- & 24 in BLK 8 ~t. FRARY""iiTs;--,----_--.-,-------------------,----,_.--.. --.,,,.,._----~- oeo44a s aoa-,,a, Permit to Mr. Paul Bradshaw, owner & Southland Corp. dba Speedee Ma.rt, lessee to remodel front and make interior alterations to e.xist nonconforming grocery store (Res. No. 5.396), where multiple units, apt. houses, etc. are penn, at.3lll-,30th St., NE corner Redwood St., R-4 Zone, condl. Case No. 6897------------------------------------------------------------------------------____ 1,;____-----