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Development Services

Safeway Park 7770-S 5

SAFEWAY PARK 7770-S 5.tif SAFEWAY PARK 5_.,, Lot 2 & 10' Jewell St. clsng adj- Permit to Safeway Stores, Inc., lessee & Hillman Periodicals, Inc., own to const commercial bldg obs 0' SB from orig p.l. on Jewell St., where 10' SB is estab on subd; structure to obs 10' distance from new p.l. estab by st closing (C Res. 176478) on W side of Jewell St., 300 1 N of Garnet, Zone C-lA, condl ~ c-6095 11-20-63 Lot l- Permit to Safeway Stores, Inc., lessee & Alex Hillman Corp., own to erect dble- faced, int, constant lignted, 55' hi ground sign with pole encr l' & edge of sign encr 10' into req 10' landscape strip at NE intersection of Garnet & Ingraham Sts., Zone C-lA, condl C-7564 & 65 3-4-66