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Development Services

San Carlos #1 Card#2

SAN CARLOS #1 CARD#2.tif SAN CARLOS #l ')C\.1 ~ ~,. Card ~ Lots 15-16- Permit DENIED to Ray A. Jessen to erect 3'-8" x 10' double-faced, illuminaied I.D, ground sign overall nt 4 1-311 wnere onl,y signs attached to face of building are perm at 6280 Lake Murray Blvd, SE cor of Jackson Dr and Lake Murray Blvd. Zone CO. C-12724 7-19-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED- 9-5-74 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Ray Jessen to const 424 sq. ft. addn to exist professional bldg; addn & exist bldg req 55 pkg spaces where 47 will be provided, 6280 Jackson Dr, Zone CO,cond'l C-13417 1~2~76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------