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Development Services

San Carlos #4 Card #1

SAN CARLOS #4 CARD #1.tif SAN CARLOS UNIT #4 '{.d-1.~.. ~,, CARD #1 'i:iii Lots 339,340,373,374 and 407- Permit to Tavares Development Co. to use lots for storage of lumber and bldg materials in connection with subd. constr for 6 mos. W side of Bisby Lake Ave. Zone R-1 Cases 2889,2890,2891 10-30-59 Lots 306 tnru 322- Permit to Tavares Development Co to erect 6 1 nigh fence obs O' SB from proper line on Navajo Rd (3' high fence in SB perm & 15' SB req) C-3170 3-11-60 Lot 307- Permit to Tavares Dev Co., owner and Magnus Egge, lessee (Pastor, St. Andre's Lutheran Churcn) to use exist sin fam res to conduct cnurch servides; and erect sign 4' x8' sing-faced unlignted back of SB snowing churcn, pastor and hrs of worship, at 8466 Lake Ben Ave., R-1, time limit to Oct. 1, 1960, and all require of Insp Dept complied vitn. C-3292 CUP 4-22-60 6 months ext, ABOVE, to expire Aprill, 1961 c-329i CUP 8-30-60 Lot 323- Permit to R. E. & Shirley R. Hale, Jr. to constr 5' ni solid redwood fence obs lO'SB from Boulder Lake Ave. (15' SB r2q) at 8305 Lake Ben Ave. Zone R-1. C-4429 N.H. 9-22-61 Lot 356- Permit to Jonn F & Doris Wniteway to constr free-standing block wall obs 10' SB on Boulder Lake Ave. where 15' SB is estab. Wall to abut 5' hi redwood fence perm on Lot 323 by Var. c-4429 (Max 3' hi fence perm in SB area), at 8304 Lake Gaby Ave. NE cor Boulder Lake Ave and Lake Gaby Ave. Zone R-1 c-4882 4-20-62]!,ot 341- AGREEMENT #1275 to Sunset Int.- bar sink, 8464 Lake Gaby Dr, 11-20-63