San Carlos Commercial Site, Resub. #1 Card#2
SAN CARLOS COMMERCIAL SITE, RESUB. #1 CARD#2.tif SAN CARLO;:, Cvl,hi!.HCIAL 3ITE I ti.;:,liB.;tl s~AS-S ". I I Card,i2 Lot 3- The z. A. considered the app of Gulf 6il Corp. to erec~ and maintain one 26 1 high 5' x 15', double-faced, lignted ground sign with post encroa~c g 1.:: 1 6 11 into oi:i and 7 1 6 11 into planting strip, with two ~!x 71 price sign riders below sign projecting 15 1 into ext 15' SB and overhanging public property 51 at the intersecti of Lake Murray blvd. & Navajo Rd.; also to erect four light poles encroaching 13 1 into est 15 1 Jb and 81 into req landscape strip, two on Lake Hurray blvd and two adj to Navajo rld. at 8787 Lake:Murray blvd., where 10 1 planting strip is req and 15 1 Sb is est, Zone Cl-A; & has DENL,D location of pole sitn as requested but Ar-PRG ED said sign to be erected with pole encroaching 5 1 into ext 15 1 bB with edce of sign encroaching 12 1 6" into est 15' 3E and 71611 into req 10 1 landscape strip, and has APPl:iOvED light poles as requested.-:,za:::&::z:,,E!(k8\t a,,ij&J,, Case Nos. 7750 & 7751 6-7-66-----------!3-????.2_______________________________________________________________________ t.. 3~7 Lot 3- Permit GRANTED to THRIFTY OIL, a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to operate a gasoline service station with a mini-market sales facility, located on the southeast corner of Lake Murray Boulevard and Navajo Road, Zone CA-S. CUP #83-0144 3-31-83