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Development Services

San Carlos Country Club Village #1 Card 1

SAN CARLOS COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE #1 CARD 1.tif Card # i\' (c, C-3665),- SAN- SA~LOS-COUNTRY CI.UB VI LLAGli: # 1-:f FORMERLY-San- Car-lcTs No. 6t f!,ot- 41~-,---_Lot 1 Le,;; Permit to.Sunset i'etroleum to use exist sing:ra.111 res 0 ~-;ach lot (of' Sa~ Car;os Unit No . 7- 491,492,~39,576.,.577 & 578) for model wLth one 3 x 5 post mounted, unlight-ea, moclel ident sign,ell for a period not to exceed l yr. tract sales o:ffice to be maintatned on Lot 1 0,1 Cowles Mt. Rd. betw Lake Adlon Dr. & Cuyuga Dr. Zone R-1 Cond'l Case No. 5011 6-11-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.ot 62- Pennit to Sunset Petroleum Corp. to use 6 single fam dwellings, one on each lot, as model homes, with sales office in dwelling on Lot 62, with 6 identification 3' x 4'-signs, one on each lot designating model homes, and one 4' x 6' free~standing sign on Lot 62 advertising sales office; all in connection with sale of new homes in subdivision- to be maintained for a period not to exceed l yr. f and after consideration of the following_,, finding of facts~ has granted the re~uest.____ CASE N0._5187 _ 'l/lOL62______ "'::___ v'Lot 59- Permit to Sunset International Petroleum Corp. to erect 6 1 high solid wood feooe on top of bank along rear and side p,lines resulting in fence varying in height from v'-6" to 7 1-811 above average adj ground level where max of 6 1 is penn on Lake Adlon Dr., 300 1 E of Twin Lake Dr., Zone R-1, cm dl. Case No. 5956 9-12-63 Lot 24- Permit to Johnson Western Constructors to erect & maintain for period not to exc. 1 yr., 1 sing faced, unlighted, 3 1 x 6 1 direc grnd sign advert lots for sale in San Carlos Country Club VillageJ at 7702 Lake Tahoe Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl. 1 yr. ext. to exp. 5 1/67 ('4/27/66) Case No. 69ll 1/15/65 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------