San Carlos Country Club Village Unit N0.1 Card #2
SAN CARLOS COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT N0.1 CARD #2.tif SAN cARLOS COUNTRY'CLUB VILLAGE UNIT NO. l 1\ Lot 13- Permit to San Diego Western Corp to maintain sin fam res with portico at front; portico posts to obs 11' and 11'6" SB where 12' SB is estab at 7844 Lake Tahoe Ave., betwn Lake Tahoe Ct. and Lake Tahoe Circle, Zone R-1-5. C-8423 N.H. 10-31-67 AMENDED 11-14-67 Lot 28- AGREEME:NT to Robert L. & La Vonne Nisbet of 6458 Lake Tahoe Ct. single family dwelling with bar sink in family room. This dwelling will ained as a single unit, & no portion of unit will ever be used or rented dwelling. to construct always be maint- as a separate 4-7-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 80- Permit to Walter J. & Claudia Grosskopf to construct 16 1 x 39' bedroom, bath, & family room addition to exist sin faro dwell; addn to obs 14 1 rear yd where 201 is req at 7741 Compas Lake Dr. & Coral Lake Ave., Zone R-1-5- Cond'l. C-9307 6-13-69 Lot 28, Map 4327 to Robert L. & Lavonne Nisbet of 6458 Lake Tahoe Court to maintain a single family dwelling and garage observing at closest point an 8 1 setback where 10' is established APPROVED and erect approximately 110 1 of concrete block wall 5 1 high observing at closest point a 4 1 setback on Lake Tahoe Ct where 15' is established DENIED Zone R-1-5 C-10240 12-22-70