San Carlos Estates #2 Card # 3
SAN CARLOS ESTATES #2 CARD # 3.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES #2 CARD # 3 Lot 73- Map 4884- Agreement with Dennis & Dinoo Vanier to construct a pool cabana with 3/4 bath, sauna and wet bar attached to existing garage. Cabana adjacent to pool. Cabana to have no internal access to dwelling unit. South elevation to remain open. At 6975 Elaine Way, agreement# 4521, 1/29/90 ZoneRl-10,000. Lot 74, CUP/Variance was approved with conditions by ZA, MARSHA DEXTER requested a one-story guest quarters on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling, whE:re such USE: is perrr itted by CUP only; and 2) provide for one parking space for the guest quarters to be located within the 5' established setback where parking is not permitted, the variance for a reduced front yard setback fo1:pne parking space, subject to conditions, was approved, at 6955 Elaine Way, Rl-10,000 Zone. C-21362 4-19-96