San Carlos Estates #6 Card #1
SAN CARLOS ESTATES #6 CARD #1.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES #6 '"'7" CARDt/=1 Lot 253- permit to Dr. BB & Irene Faguet to constr 12' retain wall w/3 1 freestanding wall on top, overall height 15' (lot to be backfilled behind) on rear por of lot (6 hi permit) on W side Dwane Ave, W of Sierrar View Way, R-1 cond C-5992 9719/63 Lot 228- Pennit to Piedmont Const. Co. to maintain & complete constr of a single family residence w/att garage, one cor of gar obs 8' SB on Dwane Ave., where 12' sb is estab. at 6493 Dwane, 150' Wly of Ma.dra Ave. Zone R-1-5. C--7202 6/24/65--------------------------------------------------------Lot 237- Gordon D. DeMent- to construct single family residence with bar sink in family room on the lower level; said family room will never be used as a second living unit and no second kitchen will be installed on the premises;____________ at_645l_Dwa.ne_Avenuet__ ~reement_No._149()_________________ 7-17-67________________ Lot 236- Clark Woodland to const two-level, single fam res with bar sink in fam rm on lower level, 6457 Dwane Ive. Agreement No. 1532 3-27-68---------------~-----------------------------------------------------------Lot 252- Z.A. nas considered the req of M. L. Chilcote to maintain eave projection obs 2' from side yard prop line where perm no closer than 2'6", Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED an amended appl to maintain eave proj obs l' from side prop line where 2 16 11 is req aul:)ject to conditions. At 16323 Dwane Ave. c-11594 11-9-72 betw College Ave & Sierra V1ew. APPEALED by Frank Steinback- Appeal DENIED & decision of Z.A. is sustained including condition imposed. C-11594 11-30-73