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Development Services

San Carlos Estates #7card #2

SAN CARLOS ESTATES #7CARD #2.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES UNIT #7 CARD/,2 Lot 309-Permit to James & Geraldine Duke to maintain approx 21' of exist 4 1 611 retain wall on E. property line where max 3' high wall or fence is perm in 15' estab SB on Crystalaire Dr.; post on front prop line- 5'10" in ht; at 6520 Crystalaire Dr., NE cor at intersection with Cypress Ft. Rd., Zone R-1-5, Case#9943 N.H. 6-lr-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 285- Permit to Roger & Elizabeth Soares to constr two-story sin family dwell with bar sink in den on 1st floor of bldg at 6457 Crystalaire Drive, Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1968 6-19-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 295- Permit APPROVED by A2A to RUSSELL H. & A. ELAINE HARRIS to maintain 30' of 4 1-411 wrought iron fence with 4'-5" high columns observing a 0' front yard where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in the required front yard, at 6034 Sierra View Way, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-17710 NH 7-28-82