San Carlos Estates #8
SAN CARLOS ESTATES #8.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES UNIT #8 Lot 99- Condl permit to sales office with one 4' with prpp sales in newly Crystalaire Dr., R-1. Panorama Invest. Co., Inc. to const & maint tract real estate x 8 1 sign identifying sales office; to be used in connection dev area (sin fam dwell perm) at NE cor of Madra Ave. & C-5217 9-13-62 1 yr ext to exp 9-14-64 (9-18-63) Lot 98- Permit to Don Nichols Inc. to const 16 1 x 18' library with 16' rear yd where 25' is req at 6536 Crystalaire Dr., Zone R-1. 7-25-63 Lot 111- Permit to Panorama Invst Co., Inc. to erect approx 40' of 1:j. 6" solid fence obs SB from 8 1 to 15' (3' hi in SB prm) at 6009 Madra Ave., Zone R-1-5. c-6722 9-17-64 Lot 96- Permit to Robert & Lorraine Reardon to constr, a 2nd story game rm. addn with bar sink to exist. single fam. dwell. at 6090 Madra Ave. Zone R-1-t AGREEMENT 1685 6-2-71