San Carlos Unit #2 4089-S 11
SAN CARLOS UNIT #2 4089-S 11.tif SAN CARLOO UNIT NO. 2 I/ Lot 151, Deane C. & Dorotb.J K. Leas DENIED permission to construct attached 20' x 12' patio obs 13 1 rear yd (20' req.) at 8003 San Carlos Dr. Int. R-1 Zone. C-2825 9-25-59 Lot 37- Permit DENIED to Sanuel & Hilda Raymond to erect 4'x5' high fence obs 0 1 SB from San Carlos Dr. (15' SB req & fence 3 1 high perm) 6495 Bisby Lake Ave, buy APPROVED solid redwood fence with horizontal boards not higher than freestanding blk. wall E prop. line obs O' SB in the R-1 Zone- Cond'l. C-3188 3-25-60 Lot 34- Permit to Tavares Development Corp. owner, & Union Oil Co. of Calif. lessee, to locate 3 flood-light poles obs l' SB, & 1 fin sign attach. to canopy, 10 1 SB, NW cor Lake Murray Blvd. & San Carlos Dr, C-lA Zone- Cond'l C-3224 6-24-60 Lot 131- Permit to Ronald D. & Barbara Joan Carlson to complete const of patio with direct access to dwelling; addn to obs 10 1 rear yard where 20' is req at 8253 San Carlos Drive, Zone R-1- Cond'l. C-5315 11-27-62 Lot 35- Permit to Tavares Development Co. to const 10 unit apt bldg abiding by all req permitting max of 6oi coverage, where ratio of bldg. area shall not be less than 1 to 3 auto parking; 25i coverage perm; Zone C-lA; SW cor Lake Murray Blvd. and San Carlos Dr. C-5384 12-28-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,