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Development Services

San Carlos West #6

SAN CARLOS WEST #6.tif SAN cARLOS WEST #6 Lot 262- Permit to John A. & Lous A. Traband to (1) erect 65 1 of 6 1 high solid wood fence obs a 0' SB where max 3' high fence is perm in estab 10' SB (2) constr swimming pool on lot with exist sin fam dwell, pool to obs an 8' SB, where 10' is estab at 5401 Chaparajos Court betw Conestoga Way and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. C-12038 N.H. 6-13-73 Lot 280- Permit to Tic-Toe Systems, Inc. to: (l) erect approx 140' of 6 1611 high cha in link fence obs a 5' front yard on Conestoga Way and a 5' sfreet side yard on Mission Gorge Road; and (2) to main 1,315 sq. ft. of landscaping in an area abutting pub! ic right-of-way. 7585 Mission Gorge Road. Zone CA. Conditions. C-15559 NH. ll-b-78.