San Diego Homestead Union Block 85
SAN DIEGO HOMESTEAD UNION BLOCK 85.tif SAN DIEGO HOMESTEAD UNION BLOCK 85 ' Lots 9,10 & 11- Pennit to De Flavio Const Co. to erect 8-unit bldg with 5' SB on Francis St. (15' req), W side Francis, N of Durant, R-4, cond.'l Case No. 1918 6-27-58---------------------------------------------------~bove AMENDED to construct sin fam res obs 5-ft. SB on Francis St on each of the J lots instead of the 8-unli.t apt bldg. (requested by (4-.:0-52) Ying Mai Hom & Seiu Ping Maj Lot-9;10,-1i,-p;i,;1i to-&i; Pi;g-&:-Ying Hai.iio; to-c;;n; ia; i"-e~."ooe-o~;a;hffftJ. each to ob11erve 5-ft. SB from Francia St, (15' req.) W aide of Francie St.N of Daraat st .Br-4 Case 3101 2-12-60---------------------------------------------