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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 175

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 175.tif SAN DIEGO LAND &: TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 175 Lots 12 & 13- Permit to E. Dobler to build a 13' x 16 1 addn to store-residential bldg. with no sideyard at 2146 Logan Ave. provided addn is used for store bldg. purposes only mes. #1863 11-7-46 Lots 43-44- Permit too. w. Jonnson to build 3rd liv unit, 1 to be served by 4 1 access ct. at 2121 Kearney. Condl. Res. #4474 2-23-50 Lots 12-13- Permit to Emil & D isy Dobler to build a 15' x 40' addn to store wnich is attach to res, exist store having l' sideyard, add 4 1 sideyard, at 2146 Logan Res. #4606 4-19-50 Lots 12 & 13- Permit to Emil & Daisy Dobler to constr store room addn to exist non-conf bldg. addn to have 0' side yd with 661, coverage, Nly side Logan Ave bet Evans & Sam-son Res. #7040 12-10-52 Lots 45 & 46- Permit to Taju & Miwa Koide to erect duplex on rear of lot with approx 7' access court at 2111 Kearney Ave. Res. #7397 5-13-53 Lot 18- ZA APPROVED request of ALVIN J. & DENISE MORENO DUCHENY to constr. a 450 sq. ft. addn. attached to the rear of an existing 576 sq. ft. bldg. providing no parking where one parking space for every 600 sq. ft. is reqd. at 2168 Logan Ave., BLPD, Area B with conds. C-19723 9/25/87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------