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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 191 Card 1

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 191 CARD 1.tif SAN DIEGO IJAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 191 CARD #1 Lot 17 and W 3' of 18- Permit to Marie M. Jenkins to make an addn to rear of exist res with a l '6" sideyard, at 2266 Kearney St; addn to maintain the req sideyard. Res. #904 4-12-45 E4 of Lot 28 & all of 29- Permit to Max & Consuelo Montez to erect an addn to exist dwell with a 2' sideyard at 2277 Julian Ave. Res. #956 5-25-45 Lots 7 & 8- AGREEMENT to JOSEPH B, AND ELVIRA MESA to maintain existing lavatory and toilet in garage conversion to workshop on lot with existing single-family dwelling, at 2230 Kearny Avenue, Zone R-2A, AGREEMENT #2708 Lots 39 & 40- Variance not needed for property at 2235 Julian Ave. C-19774 9-22-81 Case TABLED. 9/30/87--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------