San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 238
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 238.tif /.. sAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDNBLOCK 238 Lots 3Q-33- Permit to S.D. Unified Scbool District to erect warehouse & shop for school maintenance, 125'NW of Crosby on an alley. Res. 4049-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 19, 10 and 21- ZA DENIED Variance request of JORGE HERRERA to maintain the followong, currently in violation: (1) a second-story addition to a one-story, single- family dwelling, as well as a one-story, storage shed and one-story addition to a detached one-car garage; said additions and storage shed resulting in a floor area ratio of,83 where.SO is the max. permitted; (2) said second-story addition obs. a 2'-2" southwest side yard where 5 1 is required; (3) eave of said second-story addition obs. a o'-2" southwest side yard where 2 1-6" is required; (4) said one-story storage shed obs. a 1 1 southwest side yard where S' is required; (5) eave of said storage shed obs. a U'-0" southwest side yard where 2 1-6 11 is required; but APPROVED (6) storage shed located in the northwest corner of the property obs. a 3 1 northwest side yard where 5 1 is required; and (7) eave of said storage shed obs. a 2' northwest side yard where 2 1-6" is required, located at 532 Csorsby Street, MF3000 Zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, Logan Heights Special Character Multi-family Neighborhood; Southeast San Diego Connnunity Planning Area, Council District 8. Conditions. C-21013 10/2/92