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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 240

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 240.tif ~- SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 240 Lots 23-24 Evans & Irving, N-W Res. No. 59805 Maren 8, 1933 R-4 (Ord. 12942) suspended to permit grocery (To the prop-line on Irving Ave.l Permit to Nick Lessa, . NEly 50' of the NWly 81/3 1 of Lot 47 and the Nely 50' of Lot 48- Permit to Bernardo and Margaret Pinal to canst a store room addn to an exist non-conforming store-res. bldg. which has no rear yard for living quarters, sideyard for tne addn on the SE side of tne lot to be not less than tne sideyard for tne exist bldg and with 21i excess coverage at 2001 Harrison and to permit said addn to be constr with a 4'setback, exist bldg.has 4 1 setback Res #2747 & 2748 12-17-47 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Vernia & Neva L. Davis owners; Sam, Jr & Ollie Ruth Edwards, lessee to operate groc store in exist structure previously used as grocery perm by Res. No. 59805 but vacated for a period in excess of 1 yr; hours of operation to be from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm. with no employees exc owners and no on-sale or off-sale of beer, wine or intoxicating liquor at 544 South Evans St., R-4 Zone c-6441 5-7-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------