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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. South Chollas Addn. Block 2

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. SOUTH CHOLLAS ADDN. BLOCK 2.tif....,. SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. SOUT.H CHOLLAS ADDITION BLOCK 2 Blks 2 & 3- Cond'l permit to Ernest F. & Myrtle K, F. Otto, to maintain O' planting on private prop with 4' planting on public prop along National Avenue and 100" along 36tn St., parking and free standing 15' x 24' x 35' nigh sign obs O' SB from National Ave.;;to maintain 5' planting on private and 4' on public prop;along proposed Logan Ave.; cor of loading dock of proposed market to obs O' SB from Logan Ave and to use tentative Lot 3 for req parking in connection with C-lA usage on Lot 1- on Tent Lots 1 & 3 Otto Square, all of Blocks 2 & 3, San Diego Land & Town Co., So Ctlollas Addn betw 35tn and 36tn Sts and fin Florence Lane & National Ave., Zone C and R-4, Tentative C-lA and CP where 10' planting strip is req, commercial parking is perm in CP Zone, apt houses perm in R-4 Zone and retail stores are perm in C Zone. C-5355 12-14-62 ABOVE AMENDED- 6-12-64 and 9-4-64