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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co's Addition Block 274

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDITION BLOCK 274.tif SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDITION BLOCK 274 Wly Lot 45 & all 46- Permit to James E. & Beulah L. Brown to const bedrm & bath addn to exist sin fam res with por on Wl.y side obs O' side yd (3' req) addn to obs all yd req, 2211 Ocean View Blvd C Zone. WITHDRAWN. c-4465 10-21-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 4 & 5- ZA DENIED request of NEW HOPE FRIENDSHIP MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH to install a 9 space parking lot (6 compact spaces & 3 standard spaces) for use by the New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church located at 2205 Harrison Ave. on lots with an existing single-family dwelling located in the rear portion of the lots, where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only at 2218 Harrison Ave., Zone R-1500/Southeast S.D. Interim Ordinance but APPROVED A te~porary parking Jot subj to conds...;;;i:!v ~ ,,... ~ ~,;,-- I~, StC-19325 Lots 4 & 5 Conditional Use Permit- ZA Approved New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church request to install a 9 space parking lot (6 compact spaces and 3 standard spaces) located at 2205 Harrison Avenue, on lots with an existing single-family dwelling located in the rear portion of the lots, where such use is permitted. Addition, flap No. 379, located at 2218 Harrison venue, Zone R-1500/Southeast San Diego Interim Ordinance. Approved a temporary parking lot subj. to conds. C-19325 9/12/86