San Diego Land & Town Co's Addn Block 224 Card #1
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDN BLOCK 224 CARD #1.tif ' \.. SAN DI:000 LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDITION BLOCK 224------- i CARD #1 Lots 35 & 36- Permit to Joseph & Patri.cia O'Leary to rent an exist gar at 2153 Irving St. for storage for frozed fruits & foods. Res#l383 3-14-46 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Vera Manning to erect a 3 unit court at rear of 2182 Julian St. with 9 ft. court as access to the street. Res#l955 12-19-46 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Cecil Dimry, Laurence Daniel, Clifford Daniel, & Dorothy Bradley to move 2 sin fam dwellings onto lot, with exist rear dwell, obs zero side yd & exist. duplex in front obs 2'-8" side yd (3'req) & with 8 1711 access court (10' req) making 5 units 2182 Julian Ave. R-4 Zone, (all requirements of Bldg. Ins & St Housing Code be complied with.) C-2473 5-1-59--------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12_ Permit to Emma M. Mulholland to const bedrm & bath add. to rear of exist non-conf. sin fam res obs 2'x6" side yd (3' req) eaves extend. 6" from prop line (2' 6":req) 2146 Julian Ave, R-4 Zone. C-2762 8-28-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------