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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co's Addn Block 315 Card #1

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDN BLOCK 315 CARD #1.tif SAN Dl~GO LAND & TOWN C0 1S ADDITION Lots 25 & 26- Z.A. cons. req, of Samuel & with attached garage to obs. 12 1 front yd. Ave. southwest corner at intersection with BLOCK 315 ~ ~~1 Mabel M. Brown to move on si~gle family dwell. on Everett St. where 15 1 is req. at 202 Sampson Everett Ave, Zone R-4 and has DENIED the request. C-10661 N.H. 7-20-71 Lots 19 and 20- AGREEMENT to LEO GURRULA to move a two-story, four bedroom house with utility room on lot with existing one story two bedroom unit, at 2176-78 Franklin Avenue, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2817 7-23-82