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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co's Addn Block 316

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDN BLOCK 316.tif SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S ADDN BLOCK 316 SW 60' of Lots 25-29- Permit to Daisye time, no emp., 1 double-faced sign, max K Hayes to conv exist gar into beauty shop, 2' x l', expire 6-30-54 at 220 Evans. Res. #7177 2-18-53 SWly 60 1 of Lots 25-29- Ext to Res. #7177 ABOVE- Conditional 1 yr. permit Res. #8227 5-26-54 full Lots 23 & 24- ZA considered request of NAJIB KASED to convert one unit in an existing 3- unit complex to a grocery store observing 0 1 setback on Evans St. & Frankl in Ave. at 2096 Frankl in Ave., Zone R- 3000 &. has DEN I ED as requested, but APPROVED res tor at ion of the 3rd unit with cond. C-18721 3/1/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------