San Diego Land & Town Co's Block 5 Card #1
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S BLOCK 5 CARD #1.tif,--------,.c........ ~---. ~.. ~--~-. $~fla1;\..;.:.~s:____ re,. ~ {9 Ca_rd 1 ~ Let 25 ttar. 30- Pendt ti s..!utile ~euace C..., (l V V:Uttneea, ~) to caat adda to mat lclry- blig for gar, office, Alu ra ft diatrib. ra, 3481 Ratl.l" (cea411) ~-... 7763 9-30-53 Lots 25 thru 30- Permit to s. D. Textile Maintenance Corp. to const 30'x56' addn to eixst ldry, with no add'l emp. or equip., at 3481 Nat'l, Zone C, cond'l case No. 1310 7-19-57-------------------~--------------------------------------------- Por lot 3; all Lot 4 & 5- Permit to W.N. Thornton, owner & Allied Metals Corp, les- To use exist warehse for storage and sorting of misc. surplus material, ~quip. and small machinery, incl. hand tools, lathes, etc; also to erect &: oper. 10' xl0 1 spray paint booth in M-1 por. (where light m.fg. & stor. warehse is perm); and to use R-4 por for ingress & egress, Main- tenance o.f exist undergrnd gas tank and installation of gas pump, and to be used for off-st. pkg, max of 4 emp. & 3 trucks (where mult dwel, apt hses, etc., per Code, is perm); at 3416 Newton Ave., NE cor. of Wabash B1vc &: Newton Ave., that por of Lot 3 lying Wly of foll owing line; from a point on W line of Lot 3 lying 141 N of the SW cor of said lot, to a point on the N line of said lot lying 51 Ely of the NW cor thereof, and all o.f Lot 5 in M-1 Zn,&Lot 5 in R-4 Zn. Cond 1 1 ~aae 4199 ti/10/61---------------------