San Diego Land & Town Co's Block 5 Card #2
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO'S BLOCK 5 CARD #2.tif BLOCK 5 Card# 2. Lots 25-30- Permit to Tlleodore c. Kistner to reconstruct laundry bldgs 78' x 87 1 and 50' x 62 1 destroyed by fire at 3481 National Ave, & conduct cleaning and dyeing estab. max of 200 n.p. boiler, 100 employees and 152 H.P. electrically ~perated equip, Res 857 3-1-45 Lots 25-30 Extension of 6 montns on above.permit to Theodore c. Kistner. Res 1085 8-30-45 Lots 3-5- Permit DENIED to W. N. Tnornton to erect add:,28' wide to exist auto repair gar in M-1 zone, to extend into adj. at 3416 Newton Ave. Zone R-4. Res 4123 9-7-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 31 &. 32- Permit to Mary W Richardson to const new foundation for 10' x 23' kitchen- diningrm addn to exist sin fam dwell where res use is perm only above gr fir, 3465 Nat'l Ave Zone C, Cond' I C-12321 12-4-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------