San Diego Property Union Block 62
SAN DIEGO PROPERTY UNION BLOCK 62.tif w mmo!'!Pr!l!I mcm_. IL9PI 62 (0 Lot 1 & s Lot 2, Permit to ll'Jla Y. J3ttrk to coutruct tuplex o:a this ll-2 parcel "1th:)?t f't. f'rontage o:a Gregor7 st. S-49,. 12-27-57 Lot 3 cl J1- Lot 2, Pel"lllit to ll"Jla Y. Jark to co:astru.ct duplex o:a this:1-2 parcel, with 37 tt. troatage o:a Gregor7 st. s-495 12-27-57 Lot II & Si Lot S, Permit to El'Da W . l!llrk to constNCt cluplex oa this R-2 parcel with ':37 ft. frontage o:a Gregory St. S-496 12-27-57 Lot 6 & 1fi Lot S, Permit to Ena Y. llllrk to co:ast:ruct duplu o:a this R-2 parcel with 37 ft. t'roatage oR Gregory st. 8-497 12-27-57--------------------------------------------Lot 7 & si Lot e. Permit to:autice J. Carter to coastra.ct duplex OR this]!p,.2 parcel with J7i ft. frOJ1.tage on Gregoey St. s-498 12-12-57 Lot 9 & lft ot' Lot 8 1 Permit to llwlice J. Carter to construct duplex oa this R-2 parcel with 37:tt. frontage oa Gregory st. ~ 12-12-57-------------------------------------------- Lot 10 cl si Lot 11, Permit to Shirle7 lrelaoa to condruct duplex on thie R-2 parcel with 37t ft.:f'roat&&e o:a Gregor:, st. s-soo 12-13-57 Lot 12 &!ff Lot 11, Permit to Shirle7 l!releoa to construot duplex on tllie B-2 parcel with 37:t t't. troatage on Gregoey st. S-501 12-13-57------------------------------------------