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Development Services

San Diego & Town Co. Addn Block 243 Card #1

SAN DIEGO & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 243 CARD #1.tif.-.-.1...... ~- ~-. ~f-- . ~1--- . -- .- ----- -....... SAN DIEGO LAND AND TOWN COMPANY'S ADDITION BLOCK 243 Jl,."1.--- \..;> CARD #1 Lots 45 and 46- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JESUS GARCIA to construct a 15 1-611 X 24'-6", two-story addition with deck to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling, to observe a 3' int~rior yard where 4 1 is required, at 2309 Harrison Avenue, Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-17791 NH 10-8-82 Lots 12 and 13- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DOC & IRENE MURPHY (HWJT) AND JAMES R. AND STANLEY W. MURPHY (NSJT), owners; SAN DIEGO YOUTH INVOLVEMENT PROJECT, lessee, to operate a residential care facility for six to eight (ages 16-18) mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent children, which are 1 icensed or certified by the State of California, in a single-family dwelling in the R-1500 Zone, located at 2350 Irving Avenue, Zone R-1500. Conditions. CUP 18431 5-25-84