San Ysidro Addition # 5 Lot A 237
SAN YSIDRO ADDITION # 5 LOT A 237.tif SAN YSIDRO ADDITION #5 ~, Lot A-237- Wly - Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc. to maint & conduct church services in exist tabernacle & constr church plant per plans attach at 559 Blacksnaw Lane, Wly of Averil Rd. Zone R-1-5. TABLED C-7921 10-28-66 Lot A-230- Permit to Fred & Margaret BaUIIL8.nn to constr a guest house in rear of exist one fam dwell. AGREE #1057 9-29-59 Lot A-245- Permit to Ebodio J. & Carmen H. Guzman to perm exist sin fam dwell to remain for 9 mos until prop sin fam dwell is fin at 310 Averil Rd. Zone R-1-5. ext time to exp 11-5-72 (8-10-72) ext to exp 5-5-73 (11-20-72) 4-4473 No Ext. c-10852 11-5-71 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot A-257- Permit to Roberto & Consuelo Delgaddillo for perm to maintain approx 210' of wrought iron fencing rne.ging in height from 2' to 8 1 obs 0' front yd where max 3 1 high fence is perm in req 15' front yd setback, plus 40' from centerline of Blaekshaw Ln, at 572 Blackshaw Ln, betwn Sunset Ave, and Vista Ln, Zone R-1-5- Cond'l C-12,004 6-15-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por A-257- Permit to Roberto & Consuelo Delgadillo to maintain an open wrought iron fence ranging in nt from 6 1 to 8 1 across the front of subject pro~ now obs a 2' front yard SB. 572 Blacksnaw Lane. Zone Rl-5- AGREE #1868 6-20-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------