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Development Services

San Ysidro Addition N0. 2 Card #1

SAN YSIDRO ADDITION N0. 2 CARD #1.tif ' SAi YSIDRO 4DBITIQN NO. 2 Card #1---~ E50' of N200' Lot A-192- Permit to Orville E. Turnbull to const res on par not having fr on ded st by served by Ely ext of Blackshaw Lane (20' alley) R-2 condl (deed 20' strip alg N end of prop to City). C-1968 8-1-58 Por Lot A-188- Permit to Wm. J. & Eloise Denton to const sin fam res on lot without frontage on dedicated st., being on Blackshaw Lane, an alley on condition- 20' strip along south end of prop adj to alley, be deeded to City, R-4 zone. C-2578 7-3-59 Por of w Lot A-188- Permit to W.B. Colburn to const 2 sin fam dwell & duplex on parcel not having frontage on a dedicated st., but served by a 20' wide dedicated alley, on Blackshaw Lane betw Averil St. & So. Vista Ave., Zone R-4. ~ C-5168 9-4-62 Wly 50' of the Ely 150 of Lot A-202- Permit to Edmund C. & Antonia N. Soto to adjust lot lime in Loat A-202 per plat map on file in the Wly 50' of Ely 150' of Lot A-202 at 1246 on Sunset Ave., betw Smythe & Averil Avenues, Zone R-4, condl c-6088 10-25-63 N Lot A-191- Permit to Mrs. Amalia A. Curto to const a sin ram dwll & gar on a par with no frontage on a ded. street but served by a 20' wide alley (Blackshaw Lane) to Averill St. where frontage on a ded street the full length or width of a lot is req; N half of Lot A-191 Zone R-4 on the south side of Blackshaw Lane, 200' E of Averill Rd. AGREEMENT 1373 C-7036 3-30-65