San Ysidro Addition N0.1 Card #2
SAN YSIDRO ADDITION N0.1 CARD #2.tif SAN YSIDRO ADDITION NO. l Card {12 Lot A-170- Permit to Mr. Robert Estudillo to maint & complete construction of State Employment Office obs 38 1 4" SB from the center line of San Ysidro Blvd. wnere 40 1 SB f'rom center line is req at 443 E. San Ysidro Blvd., SE cor Bolton Hall Rd., & San Ysidro Blvd., RP zone. c-6980 2-11-65 See L-27 Por Lot A-30- Permit to Shell Oil Co. to erect & maint one dble-faced, lignted, 8 1 x 8 1 revolving ground sign with post obs 30' SB & edge of sign obs 26 1 SB from c/1 of San Ysidro Blvd.; one 44" x 64" price sign obs 30' SB from c/1 of San Ysidro Blvd; & one driveway light & pole obs 32' SB from tne c/1 of San Ysidro Blvd. where 4o' SB from center line of San Ysidro Blvd is estab & no structure is permitted over the SB at 108 E San Ysidro Blvd. southeast cor San Ysidro Blvd. & Sycamore Rd., Zone C {See also Sec 1, Tl9E, R2W). C-7156 6-7-65 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Po Lot A-257- Permit Roberto & Consuelo adillo for perm to ntain approx 120 1 o rought iron fencing...._~--ing in height from 'to 8 1 obs 0 1 fron 3 1 high fe is perm in req 15' ant yd, setback, plu ~o from centerli Ln, at 572 Blac w Ln, betwn Sunse e, and Vista Ln, Zo R-1-5- Cond 11 c-12,00 6-15-1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots A-114, A-ll5 and por of A-ll6- Permit to Bill Marshall to constr & operate a 45- sp~ce travel trailer park on the west side of Willow Rd, Zone R-2 and co. 402-PC 7-23-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------