San Ysidro Card #4
SAN YSIDRO CARD #4.tif SAN YSIDRO Lot A-79 & A-80- AGREEMENT #1327 to Eugene Burnett to constr 12 units on por A-80 & 8 . units on por A-79 obs yd req & park req w/access to parking areas over common driveway-- agree to maintain as one parcel unless accessible parkiM be furnished on ea lot, Zone R-4 seeawara Ave.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Lot A-31- Ferui.t to Elena de la:.:adri.d, owner & Mobil Oil Corp., lessee to erect 4'2" x 8'4" lighted, dcuole-face.:.:, grouna sign,,nth post obs.;;2 1 Sb, edge of sign obs 28 1 ob froi:1 thE center line of San Ysidro Blvd. where 40 1;:;E from the center line of San Ysi.aro olvd. is est (See Ord. 7607 h.S.); at 120 ;J, San Ysidro Blvd, at tr,e SW cor of Jan Ysidro Blvd, & Sycamore Rd., Zone 11C", Conv. 11. See Agreement No. 11.73 Case:Jo. 8084 4-14-67------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------- Lots A-94- A-97 & A-89- Permit to Seaward Properties Co., Ltd. to constr 120 unit apt complex obs 45 1 from center line of Cottonwood St. where 5' is req and 40' from center line of Seaward Ave. where 50' is req at the SE corner of Seaward Ave. & Cottonwood, Zone R-4 condl.f-9151 3-19-69 {1/:q,::t&d--/22..2,4-;dud-~ 'll ~,- ~w&- L./-d9- ~ 9 Lots 12 & 13- TABLED request of Henry & S~pan to construct a 19 unit apt bldg providing 9 off-street parking spaces in front yd obs 38 from center line of street & 18' from curb line where 40' from center line of street & 18' from curb line is required at 217 & 219 W. Park Ave., betw Seaward Ave. & Hall Ave., Zone DX R-4. c-9158 Filed 11-69