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Development Services

San Ysidro Card #9

SAN YSIDRO CARD #9.tif SAN VS I ORO CARD #9 Lot A-83- ZA considered request of DAVID LEADINGHAM to install 325' of 6 1 hi chain link fence on property line in two reqd. 15 1 front yds. where max. 3 1 hi fences are permitted in reqd. 15 1 front yds. & to install 6 1 hi chain-link fencing abutting residentially zoned property where sol id fencing is reqd when five or more parking spaces abut residentially zoned property at 4061 Beyer Blvd., Zone R-1500 & has DENIED AS REQUESTED, BUT APPROVED 6 1 hi chain link fence abutting residentially zoned property where solid fencing is reqd for 5 or more parking spaces abutting residentially zoned property, subj to conds. C-18973 1/13/86 Por Lot A~245- Agreement Ebodio Jose Guzman to maintain converted patio area to habitable space within the master bedroom located on the second floor of the existing single family dwelling. The master bedroom has in- ternal access to the primary dwelling through hall and stair case and out- side access to rear yard by exterior deck and stairs, located at 312 Averil Road, Rl-5000 Zone A-5656 2-24-94-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 150, CUP was approved with conditions by ZA, JAMIE GARCIA sought to move a one-story, single-family dwelling structure on a site which already contains a one-story, moved-on, single-family dwelling structure ~here such is permitted only by CUP at 153 W. Hall Avenue, R-3000 Zone. C-21457 6-4-97