Scott Miramar Tract #2
SCOTT MIRAMAR TRACT #2.tif SCOTT MtRAMAR TRACT #2 Por Lot 2- Permit to Miramar Development Company to const and operate a racquetball rec facility on the west side of Black Mtn. Rd., approx 250' north of Miramar Rd, M-IB Zone. ~~~-~~:=~~:__ 12-6-76.__ a~,Lr.,d,:_,,['7-.x C.?fs----------------------------------------------- Parcel 3, Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Black Mountain Venture, A California General Partnership for a 149 sq. ft. ground ID sign, 25' high, observing 20' front yard where 25' is required, at 9474, 9484, & 9494 Black Mountain Road, Zone M-lB. CASE 16451 NH 11-6-79 (Parcel 3, Parcel Map 5541) Division of Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by AZA to WILLIAM CARSTENS, owner, and MIRA MESA CHURCH OF CHRIST, lessee, to use a 2,250 sq. ft. portion of an exist- ing building for a church, at 9474 Black Mountain Road, Zone M-1-B. Conditions. EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 1-1-87 (11-15-83) C-17020 12-5-80 Portion of Lot 2- Permit was considered by ZA to DENIS KARPELIS and JOEL BERLINSKI to (I) convert existing racquetball building to professional offices where existing building ob- serves a 7'-6" interior side yard where 18 1-611 is required; (2) to construct eight, 2' wide wing walls to existing building, resulting in a 16 1-811 interior side yard where 18 1-611 is required; (3) to erect an 80 sq. ft. monument sign, 4 1 high, observing a 10' setback where 25' is required, at 9466 Black Mountain Road, Zone M-lB. DECISION: (1) APPROVE, (2) APPROVE; (3) DENY as requested, but APPROVE sign at 15' setback. Conditions. C-17838 12-3-82